
Do I Know You?

Last night’s writing prompts were a little bit different but a lot of fun. The second challenge was to write a story in which the protagonist is approached by someone who claims to know them. The protagonist doesn’t know the person but agrees to a meeting anyway. Story by...


We’re Writing Again

Despite my hope to expand and revise some of the pieces previously posted (and some of those written but not posted) I didn’t touch any of the work I did with the writer’s group. I know, what a slacker! I was working, very productively, on other projects though. Which...


Seven Weeks of Writing

The past seven weeks of writer’s group have been wonderful. Seeing the progression in everyone’s writing has been a lovely experience. The group will be stopping for a few weeks for the Holidays and to give me a chance to re-energize. I’m hoping to pick up some of the...


The Bottles Clanked

The writer’s group has been running for six weeks now, every week we do two prompts (but I only ever share one here). During the course of those twelve writing sessions this was the first time that everybody who was writing had the same thought. Something about the phrase,...


The Mug is Stained

I love the writer’s group. The energy that is shared each week is really quite unique. It pushes each of us to write in ways we wouldn’t usually attempt and leaves us both exhausted and wanting to write more.  The prompt I’m going to share with you this week...


The Wind Blew Directly into His Face

At this weeks writer’s group I struggled with the selected prompts. It’s all part of the challenge though, sometimes the words flow out of us like water and other times we have to thaw through the ice first. Luckily the the others didn’t have quite as much trouble as...


A Slow Blink

First off thank you to everyone who braved the weather to come write with me last night. I know in Canadian standards it wasn’t that bad out, but the season has just begun and we’re all still adjusting. We had an eclectic gathering of moods and mind sets last...


The Tree was Bare, Black Against the Orange Sky

Week two of the Cliffside Village Writer’s Group unearthed some pretty interesting stories. The second prompt we used was ‘The tree was bare, black against the orange sky‘. The prompt can be used at any point in the story. Here are two stories that came out of it. Story...


Cliffside Village Writer’s Group

Last night I hosted the first of what will hopefully be many writer’s groups. I had to move some of the shelves around to make space for the tables and chairs but it was totally worth the effort (and to be honest it wasn’t that much effort). The group...
