My beloved customers and friends! After much consideration (and waffling), I have decided the time has come to begin the process of closing the bookstore. I have been so lucky to have spent the past 10+ years sharing my love of books with you all. As many of you...
Dear Customer
Letters to my customers

A 5 Years Cheers
One thing I do reliably is forget the anniversary of getting my shop. Five years and a few days ago I bought Cliffside Village Books, fulfilling a lifelong goal. These past five years have been truly amazing! Running a second-hand bookshop certainly has its challenges, but whenever I start...

Food for Thought
After an hour of pottering around the shop, cleaning and organizing, I realized I’m quite hungry and the reason is that I completely forgot to eat breakfast. Luckily a bunch of my customers have recently started feeding me. In the past I’ve been given the occasional candy or chocolate,...

You Are Missed
At three to five visits in the six days the shop is open you were my most frequent regular. You always had a tale to tell, a smile to share, a fact to discuss, and of course the desire to find a new book to read. Sometimes I’d see...

Christmas Card Happiness
Christmas music is playing softly in the background. Outside night is slowly taking over, a sleepy hush blanketing the neighbourhood as the sky fades to a darker blue. I get up to turn on the Christmas lights and poke my head outside to enjoy them. Turning to go back...

Christmas Cheer
I am a firm believer in Christmas not being in people’s faces until December has begun. Don’t get me wrong I get excited about the holiday season pretty much as soon as it starts getting cold, but the decorations and the music don’t make an appearance until there’s less...

On Tipping your Local Bookstore Owner
Often when you go into a coffee shop or a … I can’t think of another example so let’s go with another coffee shop, they have those little jars which very politely or humorously ask for a tip. I have thought about those a few times since I undertook...

Dear Customer,
It’s been so long since you’ve been in and even though your visit was short it was wonderful. I’m so glad I got to see you again. When you walked into the shop your beauty struck me. You’d done your hair and your cheeks were rosy from being out...