In my last post, I said I was planning to post again in October. The planning part wasn’t a lie. I really truly was planning on posting. I even wrote at least half a post on a piece of paper somewhere, and I may even still have that piece...
Loose Pages

Hey. It’s been a while.
Happy New Year to my reader and writer friends! I haven’t been the most efficient poster in recent months but, despite the quiet, everything has continued to operate in as normal a capacity as is possible. I know the past couple of years have been unlike any others, but...

Book Crafts
Every once in a while I get a crafting bug. Unlike other bugs, staying in bed and drinking lots of fluids is not an appropriate way to get rid of it. The only way to get rid of a crafting bug is to craft. This time around my sights...

Every avid reader at some point in their life has had the book to movie adaptation discussion. Sometimes it manifests in general terms, for example are adaptations beneficial or detrimental to the effort of instilling a love of reading into our younger generations. It’s a good question. Some people...

Reading Through Power Outs
As many of you may know yesterday there was a 6 (ish) hour power outage. The shop was unaffected but my home was not and as it was my day off I found myself without electricity. Luckily not too long before the power cut, I had decided to stop...

The Subway Game
About once a week I find myself on the subway. I’m not usually lost…okay sometimes I’m lost. The point being that the trips are infrequent enough to find the experience both bemusing and enjoyable. Typically on these excursions I’m journeying to the other side of the city. Therefore the...

Canada Reads
What a wonderful event! This is the first year I have been able to watch the entire event (with one more day of debates to come tomorrow) and I am thoroughly enjoying it. This year rather than Canada Reads being about which books you love the most the purpose...