Let’s Just Pretend it’s October

In my last post, I said I was planning to post again in October. The planning part wasn’t a lie. I really truly was planning on posting. I even wrote at least half a post on a piece of paper somewhere, and I may even still have that piece of paper. The point is, I’m only two months late and I wholeheartedly believe in your ability to pretend it’s still October for the purposes of this post.

Hooray! It’s October! The leaves are crunching under foot, there is a crispness to the air, and people have started putting ghosts and skeletons on their lawns. What a wonderful time of year it is. And it’s made even more wonderful by the fact that I am celebrating my ten year anniversary of bookstore ownership.

I can’t believe it’s been ten years, but I have double and triple checked the very complicated math, and it confirms that I have been here for ten years (and two months that we aren’t currently talking about). When I took over the shop, I had no idea how long it would last. I remember being kind of shocked when I made it to five years and now, somehow, it’s been ten.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the decade. This wouldn’t be even remotely possible without you. Here’s to another… indeterminate number of years during which I post infrequently despite my best intentions. If you really want to know what’s going on just come into the shop for a visit, and pick up some books while you’re at it!
