Another writer has agreed to let me share one of her stories. Let us know what you think in the comments. By Joanne Taylor The heel of her shoe broke so as she spun onstage she was forced to remain on tippy-toes lest the crowd would see it. Of...
Writers Group
Stream of consciousness stories written at the Cliffside Village Writer’s Group.

Sharing Stories – Update!
Two members of the Cliffside Village Writer’s Group have blogs where they share some or all of the stories they write in the group. They have each been a members for over a year now, so they have lots of stories up for perusal! I think it’s so wonderful...

There’s One Thing I Know for Sure
One of our newest writer’s group members has volunteered to share a piece from Thursday’s session. It’s been a while since I’ve posted more than one story, by more than one writer. So here you are, I hope you enjoy both her piece and my own. By Diane Elizabeth...

The Job
I’m going to share both of the stories I wrote last night, because they actually continued perfectly one from the other. By Genevieve Clovis They sat quietly avoiding eye contact, all hoping someone else would answer. Three quiet seconds passed and Kennedy’s face grew stern. Seven seconds and a...

The Man Looked too Old to Still be Working
I can’t wait to be old and do this. By Genevieve Clovis A few wisps of white still clung to his mostly barren scalp. His hands adorned with liver spots tremored slightly. His back hunched and his thin frame looked like it would crumple if even so much as...

He Put His Face in the Water
I haven’t been very good at sharing stories with you all this year, even though I’m running two writer’s groups a week instead of just one. Partly this is because I keep forgetting. But also I have been writing more pieces that I either want to work on further...

The Cupboard was Empty
The last writer’s group of the year is off to a strong start. There’s a mix of new and returning members, but good stories all around. I’m hoping as the group progresses we will see a few more people willing to share there stories here, but for now you’ll...

Typing Out Stories
I am on my 3rd notebook since starting the writer’s group back in 2014. It wasn’t until I was almost finished the 2nd notebook that I realized it would be wise to type up all the pieces I wrote, not just the ones I posted here. So, for the...

You’ve had Nightmares Your Whole Life
The writer’s group carries on with much enthusiasm. We’ve got some really great stories coming out of the prompts that leave us wanting to know more. Hopefully the stories will be finished either at home or during the group by tying prompts together. Here is one of my stories...

He Wasn’t Going to Give Up
The summer writer’s group sessions have begun and I couldn’t be happier. We’ve got some returning writer’s and some new ones. The creative energy is high and the writing enthusiasm is contagious. Here’s one of my pieces from this week: By Genevieve Clovis The air was heavy and moist....