He Looked Back but Couldn’t See Through the Fog

A fun writer’s group (a couple weeks ago now) that produced a story I’m kind of interested to continue. A few of the stories that I’ve started through the group have had potential to continue into something interesting, but they’ve never been high on my list of writing priorities. I’m thinking I may play around with this one a bit more though.

By Genevieve Clovis

James gasped, great heaving breaths that billowed out in white streams. His legs burned and his heart pounded in his chest. He couldn’t run any further.

He slowed to a brisk walk following a deer path into the dark forest. He had underestimated the distance, but it wasn’t much farther to the safe house. As he picked his way along the thin path in the first weak rays of day he hefted the pouch in his hand. A wide smile split his face. He’d done it. The job everyone said was impossible and he’d pulled it off.

He tugged open the drawstring and let the large sapphire drop into his waiting palm.

James stopped and lifted the gem to inspect its beauty. The pride of the nation, and now it was his. He slid it back into the pouch and started walking again, smiling all the while. He couldn’t wait to brag. The boys would worship his achievement.

Somewhere behind him a twig snapped. He looked back but couldn’t see through the thick morning fog. 

James shrugged it off. It was probably just a deer or some other woodland creature. He turned back to the path that had begun to widen and carried on his way. An arrow embedded itself with a heavy thud into the tree beside him.
